A mastermind just for parents

Get support from a small group of people who know exactly what you’re going through (because they’re in it, too) — in a judgment-free zone where you can show up exactly as you are.

Get The support you need as a parent working in tech (without the judgment you don’t)

If you’re a parent working in tech (and especially if you’re a parent working in tech in the middle of a global pandemic), you’ve probably found yourself experiencing at least a couple of these:

  • Trying to find that sweet spot where you can balance being a great parent and building a great career

  • Finding yourself feeling judged by people around you for the choices you’re making along the way (no matter which direction you choose)

  • Wanting to celebrate your successes at work — without feeling guilty about being a working parents

  • Or the opposite — wanting to celebrate your successes as a parent, even if it means your work isn’t progressing as quickly as it could

  • Missing a sense of deeper connection, and wanting so much to connect with like-minded people who understand what you’re going through

The thing is — you’re not alone. Our community is full of other parents thinking and feeling exactly the same things. Pretty much every parent we know has moments when they think that they’re doing a terrible job. (We’re here to tell you: you’re not. You’re doing great.)

Welcome to our first parents-only mastermind.

We’ve created a space where you can find the support you need as a parent working in tech — inside a community of parents who are facing the same things.

It’s a place for all of the questions, hopes and anxieties that come up as you navigate this whole “working parent” thing. We’re all here to help you figure out what’s right for you (and know that it might not look the same as what everyone else is doing) when it comes to your career and life.

You’ll be able to give and get support — your own experiences and insights will help others as much as theirs can help you, we promise.

One of our community’s core values is human connection. Through this MasterMIND, you’ll have the opportunity to create a support network for yourself, forming strong relationships and learning from each other. This MasterMIND will give you a circle of trustees who are always ready to help, listen and understand.

How it works

The meetings will last 90 minutes and will be held online once a month.

Each participant will have approximately 15 minutes to either explain the challenges they may be facing or kick start a dialogue and get non-judgmental feedback and support from the rest of the group.

In between the sessions you’ll get access to the private Inner Circle Facebook Group, where you can find useful resources and connect with each other whenever you need.

Being in a MasterMIND will truly give you a Master Mind! You can't help but think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things.

Your hosts

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Yota Trom

Yota is a Leadership Coach specialising in coaching emerging leaders within the Technology industry. Her approach is underpinned with humanistic and positive psychology. Combined with 13+ years of leadership experience holding a variety of senior roles within high-profile companies, such as Amazon and Yahoo, she has a deep understanding of the tech world and the challenges employees are facing.

Her most recent role; motherhood has provided her with many learnings on how to become an effective and happy working parent.


Gemma Happe

Gemma has spent 11+ years working within fast-paced Tech companies: Google, Snap and today, Freetrade. She's passionate about customer centricity, organisation and the people around her; building her expertise and leadership skills within the Operations space.

This, however, is just one important aspect of her life, Gemma is also a wife and mum and has been managing the career/parenthood "juggle" for almost 5 years now.

Application process

Before we talk about the investment (which was decided with working parents in mind)—  and in order to ensure that the right people are in the right group — there will be a call with your hosts, Yota Trom or Gemma Happe, to explore the hopes, goals and strengths you’re bringing into the group.

Only 10 spaces available

To join the Mastermind, let us know you’re interested and we’ll contact you with next steps:

Here’s what our members love about our masterminds

“I joined the mastermind because I realised I wanted to become a first time manager and that I was ready for the next step in my career. Since joining, I feel more comfortable and have stopped overthinking my every move. I feel more confident in asking for what I want in a way that’s mature and will actually get me what I need.

I wasn’t sure I’d get the right amount of time needed to express my issues or things I wanted to work on, but the small group size means everyone is heard. Yota is great at listening, getting to the heart of what you are trying to convey and say, and she gives great advice.”

— Jessica Clingham, Enterprise Customer Success Manager at CircleCI

“ I felt like I needed a change but was unsure in the direction or how to go about it. The mastermind has helped me grow and get things done. I feel like I’m part of a community, so whenever I’m lost or unsure I can ask — and I’ve realized that I can help others through my experience.”

— Anonymous


I would definitely recommend the Together in Tech mastermind as a must for anyone that’s motivated in progressing their career and doesn’t know where to start from, feels somewhat stuck or could use a sounding board for their ideas. Apart from the invaluable advice, it’s also great for keeping the group accountable on the actions they set for themselves each month.”

— Stefania Papaconstantinou, Scrum Master at Expedia Group

“I joined the mastermind because I was keen to get structured assistance in my professional development. I really needed support from a neutral ground, and I wanted advice from experienced people. 

Since joining, my confidence has improved vastly. I’ve realised that my challenges are super common across my peer group. I actually get a lot out of hearing other’s challenges and structuring advice for them, too.”

— Joanna Smurthwaite, Commecial Strategy Manager at CPA Global